needs to be cleaned and assess the state of the gear itself. Is the synthetic sleeping bag ripped or falling apart ? Is your backpack caked in dirt, grime and pine sap?Are your hiking clothes torn or compromised in any way? This is a critical step because it determines how to proceed with the cleaning without damaging your items.2Pre-wash any items that arefilthy, particularly hiking socks.
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newstyles down Jacket with beltsBecareful with shirts and pants, especially those with holes of rips, and use a gentle wringing technique to rid them of the majority of dirt. Pre-washing maximizes the effectiveness of the machinewash.3Choose the correct cleaning materials. It is vital that a front-loading washer is used. The reason behind this is to prevent the agitator from further compromising the quality of thesynthetic materials. Use an extra-mild detergent to wash the clothing. When setting the cycle, make sure you use the "Permanent Press" cycle with warm water and minimal spin cycles. Shirts,pants, socks and winter items can be placed in the dryer, but synthetic jackets should be hung and air-dried. Set the dryer on the "Permanent Press" cycle as well and carefully monitor theprogress.4A synthetic sleeping bag must always be washed and dried on its own. Make sure there are no major rips or tears in the bag. If there are, your best bet is to get the sleeping bagprofessionally cleaned to prevent further damage. Set the cycle on "Permanent Press" with cold water
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Coatand use a very mild detergent. You can use a down detergent, as it is very mild, but it is also expensive. When transferring to the dryer, bring out your tennis ballsand throw them in with the bag to prevent the synthetic material from bunching up and drying inconsistently. Monitor the progress of the drying by stopping the cycle and testing the material.
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dry before removing. This may take hours.5When attacking your tent or your pack, it is best to hand-washing techniques. The backpack generally will have a lot of dirt andsalt build-up, so pre-rinse the pack with a hose, and then scrub the areas that are the dirtiest or have the most build-up. Clean it outdoors and on a sunny day so that it can air dry naturally.As for your tent, your best bet is to set up your shelter and lightly sponge down the sil-nylon parts. Heavy-duty cleaning is usually not recommended for these items.